Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ice Cream Cake and Asparagus

It's been over a month since I've updated my blog, and there have been a lot of memorable cooking and eating and food-related moments in that time. The Edible Garden co-op ended on a high note with strawberries and asparagus, proving that Richmond really does have a week or two of spring weather before the heat and humidity set in. There were two wonderful dinners at Zeus Gallery within a week of each other, and a very special ice cream cake from Bev's. Davy and I grilled the first hamburgers of the season in mid-April, and attended two successful tailgates with notable menus. The Fertile Crescent CSA starts at the end of May (a little late because of cooler temperatures), and I can't wait to report on our weekly yield and the meals that we create. Stay tuned!

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